Metal Building Self-Performed Construction & Concrete Services

Prior to your Steelsmith building arriving, our dedicated project team will schedule a pre-construction meeting to outline the process. A Steelsmith crew, dedicated to your project, will be on hand when the building arrives at the site to unload your building and stage the materials.

The Steelsmith erection and masonry crews are knowledgeable, friendly, and efficient in the preparation of concrete flatwork and foundations, and building construction. Our crews are also experienced at working around other trades on-site to avoid unnecessary delays.

Steelsmith’s Self Performed Steel Building Construction Services streamline the entire Engineered Steel Building Process. By providing Single Source Accountability, Steelsmith eliminates your exposure to unnecessary delays, scheduling issues, and finger-pointing between suppliers and sub-contractors on site.

We require that all job sites are kept organized throughout the project. Steelsmith erectors maintain a safe work environment. Safety requirements are mandatory at all Steelsmith job sites.

In the event that Steelsmith is not responsible for the construction of your engineered steel building, your dedicated Project Manager will still help to coordinate with all other parties to keep all processes running smoothly. We can serve as the liaison with architects, general contractors, and other sub-contractors on site.

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